
7 June

DSM Directive: one year on and beyond!

7 June 2022 marks one year since all EU Member States were due to have implemented the DSM Directive 2019/790. So where are we now? Some Member States have yet to implement the Directive at all and for those that have, there are some marked differences as to how they have gone about it.

On top of all this, upcoming EU legislation is also likely to have an impact on the application of the Directive. For a law that was meant to harmonise copyright protection across the EU, businesses face more flux than ever.

Join us for a series of talks looking at the DSM Directive: one year on and beyond!

Our first webinar of copyright experts and guest speakers will give a deep-dive into Art.17!  Later sessions will look at how other aspects of the Directive are already shaping how we operate and look at how the Digital Services Act and the EU and UK digital agendas will further change the business landscape.

Our speaker line-up includes:
Kristina Janusauskaite, Director of European Legal Affairs, IFPI European Office
Constance Herreman, Senior Legal Advisor, CISAC
Georg Nolte, Senior Legal Counsel at YouTube/Google (International Litigation, Copyright, Music)
Eleonora Rosati, Of Counsel, Bird & Bird
Martin Senftleben, Of Counsel, Bird & Bird
Pawel Lipski, Partner, Bird & Bird

Para Inscrições, clicar aqui

7 June a 8 June

cdCon 2022

Join Continuous Delivery leaders, industry icons, practitioners, and open source developers for a two-day experience as we improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed. cdCon is the annual event by the Continuous Delivery Foundation that brings together technology teams, enterprise leadership and open source communities to drive the future of software delivery.
Mais informações aqui

7 June

Upstream 2022

One-day celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers who make it. The Upstream agenda is almost complete, and wow! June 7 is going to be fun.

The day will be anchored by our four amazing keynoters: Donald Fischer, CEO and co-founder of Tidelift, will kick off the day, followed by Deborah Bryant of Red Hat. John Mark Walker of Fannie Mae will host the midday spot, and Aeva Black of the Azure Office at Microsoft will close out the day.

The event is totally free and virtual, so don't forget to register at Upstream.live. Even if you can't make it live, go ahead and register, because all sessions will be recorded and you can watch them whenever you want after the event is over.


7 June


JNation is an inclusive developer conference covering various topics relevant to the software development industry.
Attendees have the unique opportunity to get up to speed with the latest and greatest technology trends in programming languages like Java and JavaScript, Cloud & Infrastructures, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, or Security and Methodologies.
We bring the actual technology experts working in these areas, so attendees have the chance to learn with the best!


7 June a 9 June

OpenInfra Summit Berlin 2022



7 June a 9 June

C-DAYS 2022

 O Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS), vai promover nos próximos dias 07, 08 e 09 de junho, em Cascais no Centro de Congressos do Estoril a tão aguardada conferência C-DAYS 2022.

Esta é uma conferência nacional com periodicidade anual e um importante espaço para a discussão de todas as questões estratégicas, operacionais e ainda técnicas relacionadas com cibersegurança.  

O CNCS, enquanto entidade pública com um papel central na promoção de uma cultura nacional de cibersegurança, acredita que é de extrema importância a discussão aberta e inclusiva em redor destes temas, bem como a participação ativa de todos os que intervêm nos seus diversos domínios.

Deste modo, a C-DAYS 2022 procura reunir convidados de variadas áreas, criando espaço para o debate e reflexão sobre a prevenção e formas de mitigar os riscos de cibersegurança, com vista ao incremento do nível de cibersegurança do ecossistema nacional.

“Apostar na Prevenção” é o tema central desta conferência - os ciberataques têm vindo crescer em número e sofisticação, atingindo todos os setores de atividade económica e a administração pública. A prevenção é a melhor forma de mitigar os riscos e impactos decorrentes de incidentes no ciberespaço.

Consulte o programa e inscreva-se em https://c-days.cncs.gov.pt/

7 June a 9 June


SUSECON is the annual global technical conference for SUSE customers, partners and community enthusiasts, geared to the needs of the enterprise IT customer. Here you find open source solutions for your business needs based in Linux, Kubernetes and edge computing.

Mais informações em https://www.susecon.com/

6 June

OpenJS World

Learn and engage with leaders building modern applications at a massive scale. There will be something for everyone who loves JavaScript, including content around development, security, performance, automation & testing, and community building.


6 June a 10 June

RightsCon 2022

From Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10, 2022, RightsCon will take place entirely online, spanning multiple time zones, featuring a program of 350+ sessions with both live and asynchronous content. We invite you to join us from wherever you are located.

RightsCon offers a platform for thousands of participants from around the world to convene, connect, and coordinate. Join our global community of business leaders, activists, technologists, policymakers, journalists, philanthropists, researchers, and artists to move forward your work and contribute to a shared agenda for our digital future

Mais informações aqui

2 June a 4 June

WordCamp Europe 2022

Join the European WordPress Community to have three days of learning, sharing and fun on the 10th edition of WordCamp Europe. Informações em https://europe.wordcamp.org/2022/