
25 Outubro a 27 Outubro

JIIDE 2022 - XIII Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestruturas de Dados Espaciais

A XIII edição das Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestruturas de Dados Espaciais (JIIDE) decorrerá de 25 a 27 de outubro de 2022 em Sevilha.

As JIIDE resultam de uma parceria entre a Direção-Geral do Território de Portugal, o Instituto Geográfico Nacional de Espanha, através de Centro Nacional de Informação Geográfica, e o Governo de Andorra. A edição deste ano das JIIDE terá o seguinte lema:

«Experiência e evolução tecnológica: aproximando as IDE dos cidadãos».

Espaço privilegiado de reflexão para todos os que utilizam ou pretendem vir a utilizar infraestruturas de informação geográfica no exercício das suas atividades, as JIIDE são um fórum para todos os profissionais da administração pública, do setor privado e da academia que lidam com informação geográfica.

A participação nas JIIDE é gratuita, mas sujeita a uma inscrição prévia.

 Datas importantes:

  • 30 de maio - Data limite para submissão de resumos e workshops
  • 15 de junho - Data limite para comunicação da aceitação dos resumos e workshops
  • 30 de junho - Publicação do programa
  • 25 a 27 de outubro - JIIDE 2022
  • 11 de novembro - Data limite para submissão de artigos


25 Outubro

SigstoreCon North America

Join us for the first ever SigstoreCon and accelerate how you secure your software supply chain. Sigstore is a new standard for signing, verifying, and protecting software. Sigstore ensures that your software is all that it claims to be for developers and end users. SigstoreCon is a one-day vendor neutral conference organized by the Sigstore community and focused on all things Sigstore.


25 Outubro

Kubernetes on Edge Day North America

Kubernetes on Edge Day brings together developers and adopters across the entire cloud native ecosystem to share their lessons learned in building, breaking, and bettering their edge infrastructure. Any developer interested in learning how to deploy Kubernetes and cloud native projects at the edge should attend.

Edge Computing will be 4x larger than cloud and will generate 75% of data worldwide by 2025. With hardware and software spread across hundreds or thousands of locations, the only feasible way to manage these distributed systems are the simple paradigms around observability, loosely coupled systems, declarative APIs, and robust automation, that have made cloud native technologies so successful in the cloud. Kubernetes is already becoming a key part of the edge ecosystem, driving integrations and operations. Join Kubernetes on the Edge Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to get in on the ground floor and shape the future intersection of cloud native and edge computing.


25 Outubro

Cloud Foundry Day

The Cloud Foundry community returns to in-person events after almost three years! Come join us in Detroit for a one-day symposium on all things Cloud Foundry.

Cloud Foundry has long been the industry standard open source cloud application platform. Now, with Korifi and Paketo Buildpacks, the best-in-class developer experience that Cloud Foundry is known for is available on Kubernetes. Cloud Foundry Day is a full day of sessions, hosted by the Cloud Foundry Foundation, in which the technical community, end-users, and member companies will come together to discuss these new technologies and find out what’s new with the traditional Cloud Foundry architecture. Session topics will include Korifi, Paketo Buildpacks, new features in cf-deployment, updates from the TOC, adoption of new stemcells, and more.


25 Outubro

Eclipse SAAM on Cloud 2022

Mark your calendars for Eclipse SAAM on Cloud 2022, October 25. The conference will bring together industry experts and researchers working on innovative software and systems solutions for the next generation of edge-cloud computing continuum, especially focusing on Security and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Architecture, Modelling and related challenges.


24 Outubro

Open Observability Day North America

Open Observability Day (#OpenO11yDay) fosters collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing of cloud-native observability projects (including but not necessarily limited to Prometheus, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, OpenTelemetry, and OpenMetric), as well as vendor-neutral best practices for addressing observability challenges. Sessions include a keynote, panel discussions, workshops, lightning talks, and individual presentations. This event is intended both for audiences that are new to observability as well as for seasoned practitioners. Open Observability Day will enable you to spend a day peeking under the hood of major Cloud Native Computing Foundation observability related projects and broadening your knowledge of observability.


24 Outubro a 25 Outubro

EnvoyCon North America

The Envoy maintainers are excited to announce the 5th annual EnvoyCon, a practitioner-driven community conference that emphasizes end-user case studies as well as deep technical talks from vendors that have chosen to build offerings on top of Envoy (zero product pitches!). Come join us for an exciting day of technical content and networking (both the social and computing kind).

Originally built at Lyft and now a CNCF graduated project, Envoy is a cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy. In a short period of time, Envoy has been widely adopted throughout the industry in a variety of different deployment scenarios including edge proxy, “service mesh,” internal middle-proxy load balancer, etc. Envoy’s extensibility, performance, quality, API driven configuration, and community have all been drivers for the rapid growth of the project.


24 Outubro

Cloud Native eBPF Day North America

eBPF is transforming Cloud Native. Co-located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon,  eBPF Day is a vendor-neutral conference that explores this transformational technology and its impact on the future of Cloud Native.

By making the Linux kernel programmable, eBPF has resulted in the development of a completely new generation of tooling in areas such as networking, security, application profiling/tracing, and performance troubleshooting. No longer is it necessary to rely on existing kernel functionality; now, it’s possible to actively reprogram runtime behavior without compromising execution efficiency or safety.


24 Outubro

Kubernetes Batch + HPC Day North America

Processing data creates insight and helps make the world a better place. With a renowned focus on batch workloads for HPC, AI/ML in Kubernetes we want to bring together a community of experts – open source contributors, practitioners, researchers, and end users who want to make Kubernetes the best tool to manage infrastructure for research, training and scientific use cases.


24 Outubro

Cloud Native Telco Day North America

Adopting cloud native best practices and principles are critical to the success and growth of Service Providers as they scale to meet new demands for 5G and beyond.

Cloud Native Telco Day brings together Service Providers and Vendors across the Telco ecosystem to collaborate with the cloud native community to share lessons learned in their cloud native journey.

Anyone involved with the digital transformation of Telco applications and/or infrastructures should join our second Cloud Native Telco Day.
